Monday, March 23, 2009



印象最深刻的,是第一系列中的 "包容不完美,就一切完美",以及第二系列中,Kelly 形容 Alex "他不是第一,是唯一" .... (要死,怎么现在回想起来还会荡气回肠感觉浪漫叨~~~~)

不知道两个系列的 《一切完美》中的其他经典对白,大家记得的是那一些呢?

这里 跟大家分享如何?


  1. Anonymous8:04:00 PM

    Win(手术后对Alex说): 你就不能让我包容你的不完美吗?

  2. Anonymous10:59:00 PM

    Win : "怎么在我最不帅的时候来看我?" :p

    My collection of quotes in English is here ~

    Enjoy! :)

  3. Anonymous11:06:00 PM

    没有 Alex 的第一天,我看到了他曾经想与我翱翔的愿望。不管你有没有看到我的简讯,我会一直让你知道这里的一切。
    The First day without Alex, I saw his wish of wanting to fly the world with me. I don’t know whether you will get to see my messages, but I will continue letting you know what is going on here

    没有 Alex 的第二天,陪妈妈逛街。来到你最喜欢的餐厅,点你最爱吃的菜。可惜你不在。
    The Second day without Alex,I went shopping with my mother. We went to your favorite restaurant and ordered your favorite dishes. But you aren’t around.

    没有 Alex 的第三天, 今天诊所来的一个想整形和患上抑郁症的病人。如果你在的话,那我们就可以一起研究这个个案。
    The Third day without Alex,I saw a patient who has depression and wants to undergo cosmetic surgery. If you were around, we would be able to analyse this case together.

    没有 Alex 的第七天, Sky 康复得很好 Win准备再跟他做下一个修复。
    The seventh day without Alex, Sky is recovering well and Win is preparing to operate on him again.

    没有 Alex 的第十四天, Win 正式独自开业, May也去帮忙了。你真得不回来了吗?
    The 14th day without Alex, Win has started his own practice and May has gone over to help him. Are you really not coming back?

    没有 Alex 的第十七天, 我已经忘记自己第几次来到海边。还记得我说过,当心情不好时你可以来听听大海的演奏吗?你是不是也和我一样在听大海的演奏?
    The 17th day without Alex, I’ve forgotten how many times I’ve come to the beach alone. Still remember what I told you? When you’re feeling down, you can come and listen to the Ocean’s symphony. Are you listening to the Ocean’s symphony too?

    没有 Alex 的第二十一天, 今天诊所的病人很多。 有时候,我真的希望病人能少一些。 你不是常说要跟我分担病人吗?你到底躲到哪里去?
    The 21th day without Alex, there were so many patients at the clinic today. Sometimes I wished there were fewer patients. Didn’t you promise to share your load of patients with me? Where have you gone to?

    没有 Alex 的第三十天, 习惯性的又来到了海边。 我已经开始习惯思念的滋味, 习惯沙滩上剩下我一个人的脚映。也习惯了一个人吹风,习惯等待的滋味。不知道大海已厌倦为我演奏下去了呢。你呢?是不是也开始习惯没有我的日子?你到底躲到哪里去了?犯人,你什么时候才肯回来自手?
    The 30th day without Alex, I find myself at the beach again. I’m starting to get used to missing you and seeing only my set of footprints in the sand. I’ve gotten used to the sea breeze and the waiting. I wonder if the ocean has grown tired of playing its symphony for me. What about you? Have you also gotten used to life without me? Where have you hidden yourself? Idiot. When will you turn yourself in?

    没有 Alex 的第九十九天, 明天是我生日。 你会祝福我吗?我是在期待奇迹吗还是期待这你制造奇迹给我呢?
    The 99th day without Alex, it’s my birthday tomorrow. Will you send me a birthday wish? Am I hoping for a miracle, or am I hoping that you will create a miracle for me?

    Sorry if there's any discrepancies. I love this part a lot. Hahaha.

  4. Anonymous11:20:00 PM

    我最喜欢的一句话,或许太简单,没有上面各位来得深刻,但是却让我潸然泪下,最后一集中, Alex在给Win的视频中怀着没有任何的嫉妒,说道"Thank you,Dr.Win"

    From Shanghai

  5. Anonymous12:14:00 AM

    来自上海的芸,Thomas 偶尔会到这里来看看,所以你可以放心,你对他的支持,他会看到的。:)

  6. Anonymous12:16:00 AM

    Silentz, 你你你,你居然记得那么仔细?!
    犹如滔滔江水连绵不绝啊~~~ :D

  7. Anonymous12:35:00 AM


    没有 Alex 的第一三八天, 胃口一直没有好转, 情绪也不太好。明天医药报告就要出来了。我有一种不祥的预感。祝我好运。
    The 138th day without Alex, my appetite hasn't improved, and I'm feeling out of sorts. My medical report will be out tomorrow. I have an ominous feeling about it. Wish me luck.

  8. Anonymous11:39:00 AM

    haha. i say one super cliche one. the one win said to kelly.

    "Words should not be hurtful. Use it to say I Love You"

    if normally i will be like 'nooooooo~' and cringe if i hear this kind of things, but the way they presented it (instead of saying it out but through hand signing) and also the whole atmosphere they created was so good that i couldnt cringe. haha. and it made me support win cheong for at least that episode.

    and also emily's facebook status. hahahaa. i just love her 依然娇艳s and once her "what's on your mind" was something like "Emily tan依然娇艳的想结交友男朋友" and i really burst out laughing at that part.

  9. Anonymous5:52:00 PM


  10. Anonymous7:55:00 PM

    没有信心的NO.1, 终究还是NO.1!!!!

  11. Anonymous2:40:00 AM

    I'm a big fan of PC 1&2, and I love the last episode, its so touching. But I thought 没有Alex的第一天 lines are exactly the same as that in TVB's Heart of Greed between Alfred and Chang Zaixin.

  12. Anonymous11:27:00 AM

    Loneliness is when there is no one by your side
    Emptiness is when you have no one in your heart

    A relationship is meant to be managed, not tested


    Words should not be hurtful, use it to say i love you

    Applause dies away Trophy gathers dusts Winners are soon forgotten

  13. Anonymous1:18:00 PM

    Anyone know what is the poem that Alex said during the last epi?

  14. Anonymous1:20:00 PM

    Do you mean this:

    "Applause dies away, trophy gathers dust, Winners will soon be forgotten"

  15. once upon a time, there was a fat girl who loved the story of Cinderella..

    she yearned to meet a handsome prince like Cinderella did..

    finally, a handsome prince appeared..

    just like in the fairy tale, the prince gave the fat girl a beautiful glass slipper..

    but no matter how hard the fat girl tried, she couldn't wear the small and dainty slipper..

    the fat girl finally understood that she wasn't Cinderella..

    she wasn't meant to be with the handsome prince..

    not now, not in the future..

  16. Anonymous9:01:00 PM

    ding dang,

    i remember this part it was the perfect cut 1 when xiaoli didnt go for the date with sky. i cried very badly too! cos i can understand how she feel! cos i'm a big gal too

    thank you for sharing. after reading this i feel like watching perfect cut 1 again..

  17. Anonymous6:49:00 PM

    不是对白,但是意义深长 :
    外在的美貌容易戳破 内在的美好细水长流

    但千万别将勇气深锁在阴影里 我们又不妨碍这世界继续美丽

  18. 燭光晚餐太遜了,我帶你去歐洲吃早餐!

  19. Anonymous2:00:00 PM

    does anyone remember what joey tell sky when he was in the hospital, when joey says she is going to Japan to further her carreer??

  20. Anonymous5:03:00 PM

    one more sentence to add:


  21. Anonymous4:31:00 PM

    只有穷人,没有丑人in season 1.

  22. AA:
